We are Commando.io. We have users in 1,495 cities
We are proud to announce that Commando.io users are in 1,495 different cities around the world. We are super humbled and at the same »
We are proud to announce that Commando.io users are in 1,495 different cities around the world. We are super humbled and at the same »
All Commando.io web servers now disable SSLv3 to mitigate against the recently discovered SSL POODLE vulnerability. View our SSL Labs report. (Poodle image via Flickr, »
After months of building, testing, and optimizing, today we are thrilled to publicly release the Commando.io API. The API opens up amazing possibilities around automatically »
A common question when setting up Commando.io is how can we add servers without using the root user. The answer is sudo. Sudo allows unprivileged »
We are serious about security. Commando.io is excited to announce support for two-factor authentication via Google© Authenticator. When you enable 2FA, it adds an »
Share recipes with friends, colleagues, and the world. We'd like to start by giving a brief update on Commando.io. Since our public beta launch in »
Automatically import servers into Commando.io from Amazon AWS and Rackspace. Commando.io is excited to announce integration with Amazon Web Services and Rackspace, adding to »
Automatically import DigitalOcean droplets into Commando.io. Commando.io is excited to announce integration with the popular cloud hosting provider DigitalOcean. We surveyed over 1500 Commando. »
We just released dogpatch an open source HTTP API testing framework, written in PHP using curl. Dogpatch supports ssl, basic auth, passing custom request headers, redirection »
We are proud to announce that all Commando.io web servers (including development) now support SPDY protocol version 3.1. We’d like to thank Automattic »